NGO's with a limited means and budget should still be able to transmit their message to the public in an eye-catching and attractive way. A free standing modular exhibit system should compete in with those commercially available in ease of construction, flexibility of design and minimal weight and dimensions when strored.
A modular display system is set up from identical sticks and metal cross wires, forming towers and cubes. They interconnect in a free to choose way. Transparent folders containing graphics can be hooked onto these elements. Objects can be suspended within. For easy transport and storage It is compact when disassembled.
The way it is constructed is identical to the way DemoUnits camping size, only reduced to half of its size.
Additional information
Manuals in construction
At present (March 19, 2007) we work on a set of manuals needed for the making of all of the parts for the DemoUnits. There will also be a manual on how to make quickly banners, specially for use in demonstrations.
For the time being go to the two sources available already:
Manual for use of the DemoSticks for details regarding preparing, use and safety measures to make best use of the DemoCamp units
Checklist Constructing DemoUnits.When asked for a password, fill in fun
DemoUnits, bigger size but same construction, see details at:
DemoUnits camping size
DemoUnits mobile size
What materials should be used?
Steel wire for hooks size 2,0 mm, 50 m/kg, cost about Euro 100,- per 25 kg
Steel wire for cross wires size 0,5 to 0,8 mm
Select wire of a hard quality (springy, not easy to bend)
Planned progress
For use as a road show display it should be easier to mount.
Internal links
External Links
Links related to display systems and related materials
- Links related to bamboo
Bamboo is by far the most appropriate material to use when planning to make DemoCamp units or a DemoSticks display. So it is worthwhile to know what the properties of bamboo are, where it grows and what more you can do with it. This site offers an entry into the world of bamboo.
- Info on Bamboo and Rattan by IMBAR
The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) is an international organization created by 27 Member States of the United Nations, and has Headquarters in Beijing , China. Through a growing Network of participating organizations and individuals from all continents, INBAR develops and assists in the transfer of appropriate technologies and solutions to benefit the peoples of the world and their environment.
- Send us an email form about any relevant link, that should be added here
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by TBHamar - Mon Dec 01 (2003)
How does one obtain this demosticks?drawings available?
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