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NightReader is a small reading light, practical in the rich world, but indispensable for one billion Third World students.

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NightReader, study-light with LED's
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Introduced at users level Twentyfold cost reduction Applicable in modern as well as in poor economies Education Comfort Rural


  • For reading and studying, the first and last hours of the eleven hours long tropical night are very suitable for doing home work, is only proper illumination can be provided. This regards 1 billion poor students and pupils world wide.
  • For reading and writing, illumination should be of good quality. Housing conditions normally do not offer this. Illumination from overhead florescent tubes is too weak, strong light from pressured gas-lamps radiates heat, crates sharp shadows and attracts insects.
  • Use of a torch is somehow effective, but cost for the short lasting batteries limits its use. Small LED-lights offer a big improvement in practicality, but cost is still to be considered. Kerosene lamps and candles are impractical and dangerous, causing burns and fire.


  • Four hours after sunset can be utilized for study with a small mobile reading light, called the "NightReader". Compared to the heat of the day, these hours have the charm of relaxing coolness, specially when sitting outside. These hour are ideal for study, it is easier to concentrate one's thought, read and write. Moreover, outdoor space is the only space available for students to escape the hindrance of cramped housing conditions.
  • Problems of cost and practicality are addressed. Cost by local manufacture out of mostly cost cost free materials in a short time. Mobility by small size, light weight, Practicality and quality by a design of a lampshade that only illuminates what is read or written down as not to attract insects. Use of two 3mm yellow LED's results in long battery use, even if partly discharged batteries are used.
  • Facilitate availability for all at short notice by on-line publication of construction manuals and on social media like Facebook, YouTube and Instructables.

  • Additional information

    Visit the new site ""

    Older NightReader versions

    A lampshade and 2 LED's are attached to a battery box that fits 3 most common used batteries.

    Its battery box open with hinged sides for replacements

    Later version with cloth battery bag as used in Bangui/CAR

    Soon to be introduced
    Latest version is made from corrugated cardboard and plastic foil

    Planned progress

  • Design of electronic circuits utilizing the smallest solar cell and rechargeable battery.
  • Design of the network of designers, manufacturers, distributors and users.

  • Internal links

    Information on alternatives for the NightReader or products for the same purpose

    Baur, Parade 43, Venlo For sale in the Netherlands small LED-lamps and power torches
    Coleman For sale at 's is an electric torch powered bij a hand driven generator.
    Nightstar/1or Nightstar/2
    Sherpa/1 or Sherpa/2
    Knijpkat, hand powered generator.
    Light Voyager Bookligh
    T LightWedge Reading Light
    Light Up The World Foundation (LUTW) claims to be the world leader in utilizing Solid State Lighting (SSL) technologies powered by renewable resources to enhance the quality of life of the poor in the developing world.

    India's poor a good market

    When concidering the chance of getting a return from manufacturing the NightReader for the worlds poor, take notice of this article:
    India's poor are a valuable market from a commercial point of view, if the product is appropriate to local expectations, says this paper that is copied from the Simputer newsgroup and was published by the University of Michigan Business School.

    Technical specifications, suggestions for circuits and parts

    Target for the electronic circuit is cheap and robust and long lasting (>5jrs). Integration of parts not as a start, but to be considered for future assembly.
    Charging during daytime (not direct sunlight) should deliver a capacity for 4 hours use at night.

  • 2 LED's, white light, small capacity (+/- 5mA?)
  • 1 rechargeable battery 1,5 volts, small capacity
  • Switch operated by laying the NightReader on a surface, putting down = off, lifting up = on.
  • DC/DC converter to raise voltage from voltage NC-cell to voltage needed for best performance LED's (possibly dimmed, not full capacity). Possible brand Newport, see www.
  • Solar cell, voltage sufficient for loading NC-cell. Dropping the device may not result in cracking a solar cell. A flexible type, easily attached to the mirroring cap, is preferred.
  • A diode(?) to prevent leaking back of current through the solar cell.
  • Please suggest any other part useful in this context. Write your contribution on the forum page, belonging to this record.

  • Schools adopt schools to provide NightReaders to all students

    Marketing the NightReader

    Latest developments on the NightReader, a suggestion for a different kind of introduction of a new product

  • A way to give parties working on a new product some grip on its actual value in practice.

  • Report on the introduction of the NightReader in Bangui, the captital of the Central African Republic by Willem van Tijen

    Willem van Tijen reports on his introduction of a prototype of the NightReader in Bangui. His finding is that the reading light performs well, but was used for a different pupose, as a floating wick. He menthiones cost for batteries and other parts of the NightReader.

    Vision entrepeneurship after 9/11

    The initiative is about a different interaction among the players in Western and 3d world economies. We want introduce new roles of play to the marketing initiative, the design, the manufacturing, the distribution and the consumer.
    We want to make far better use of the new blessings offered in communication: Internet! Our initiative aims at integrating the economy of the poor with an initiative based on a different approach towards economic and knowledge facilities in the West. The players all act out from economic interest. Because of the new method of management, the action is as well liberal structured as ethical motivated.

    Non battery sources of electric current

    Non-battery, but also a small source of electric current could be gengerated by walking, while compressing and decompressing piezo-electric elements. Info based on a O2-Mailing list thread.

    External Links

    Links related to the NightReader

    What other people say...

    If you like you can add your own comment

    by Reinder - Thu Dec 06 (2001)
    Chip for high-frequency blinking of a LED
    De inschakelduur van LEDjes is met een chip is te regelen. Als bij een film worden de donkere periodes door het oog niet herkend, maar het stroomgebruik gaat wel fors omlaag. Deze schakeling is of was normaal bij verlichting van digitale horloges
    De kosten bij de NightReader kunnen omlaag als de zonnecel alleen een accu-cel van 1,2 volt hoeft op te laden. De hogere spanning voor ??n of meer LEDjes wordt dan opgewekt via een schakeling.

    by peter broekmeulen - Wed Oct 31 (2001)
    Hallo, Zouden er tegenwoordig geen standaard print plaatjes zijn. Zelf maak ik nml gebruik van een fietslamp waarin drie leds verwerkt zijn. Deze zijn op drie manieren te gebruiken nml ogenschijnlijk drie leds tegelijk branden, wisselend drie leds aan uit, en wisselend onderling tussen de leds. Ik hen zo'n toestel nooit uit elkaar gehaald maar ik zou mij voor kunnen stellen dat hier langzamerhand een standaard chip voor is ontwikkeld

    by Reinder - Wed Oct 31 (2001)
    LED's as used for bicycles + general info on LED's
    > Hallo,
    > Zouden er tegenwoordig geen standaard print plaatjes zijn. Zelf maak ik nml
    > gebruik van een fietslamp waarin drie leds verwerkt zijn. Deze zijn op drie
    > manieren te gebruiken nml ogenschijnlijk drie leds tegelijk branden,
    > wisselend drie leds aan uit, en wisselend onderling tussen de leds. Ik hen
    > zo'n toestel nooit uit elkaar gehaald maar ik zou mij voor kunnen stellen
    > dat hier langzamerhand een standaard chip voor is ontwikkeld

    > peter

    by Marc - Wed Oct 31 (2001)
    Kijk hier eens naar..

    by Willem van Tijen - Fri Nov 02 (2001)
    Ter uwer info; Ik heb een korte nightreader introductie getracht te Bangui Centraal Afrikaanse republiek. Dat was afgelopen september en oktober na een kort intermezzo in Holland
    Batterijen zijn in overvloed te krijgen in de supermarkten; stel je flinke stapels penlights voor groen en lekkend in hun cellofaantjes. 4 stuks kosten 3500 cfa ca 1.5 euro. De nighreader was door Kim Verkuyl (werkzaam bij een gezondheidsproject van Artsen Zonder Grenzen) gegeven aan een van haar locale kennisen in bangui. Deze Nicole gebruikte de reader vooral als nachtlichtje in haar van electriciteit verstoken huisje. Op de china batterijen heeft de lamp ca 2,5 week continu gebrand. Het was het model zonder chip of aan/uit schakeling
    Het is even uitkijken hoe je de juiste polariteit aansluit. De unit is hier gevoelig voor
    De stoffen batterijhouder kon door een lokale kleermaker voor ca 600 cfa gefabriceerd worden. Bij hogere oplagen zal dit wat minder zijn
    Helaas werd een ontmoeting met een straatjongen die draadfiguren maakt verstoord door een staatsgreep. Hij zou een indicatie kunnen geven van fabricage kosten van het framewerk.

    by Richard Jacobi - Sun Dec 06 (2009)
    Re: exportartikel
    Wauw dat is groots. Willem stuur me effe een mailtje op Want we hebben elkaar sinds boulder colorado niet meer gesproken. Groet Richard

    by - Mon Dec 02 (2002)
    i want to more information about nightreader,study-light with soler cel and LED.

    iwant to know about you all the your product

    jn patel

    by Hans Baarslag - Mon Dec 01 (2003)
    Why don,t we start little enterprises producing and selling nightreaders in Africa.I am willing to chip in.

    by Mahesh Raman - Wed Dec 03 (2003)
    White LED
    It was interesting to read about your night reader. I am particularly interested in the White LED which has several applications in day to day life including street lighting, indoor lighting, specific lighting etc., Have you developed anything on these lines? If you have please contact me ASAP as I would be interested. Cheers! Mahesh

    by Reinder / Demotech - Wed Dec 03 (2003)
    Re: White LED
    > It was interesting to read about your night reader. I am particularly
    > interested in the White LED ..... contact me ASAP as I would be interested.
    > Cheers! Mahesh Dear Mahesh, white has the future, no doubt. But Poverty and youth ask for the cheapest solution: Yellow is excellent for reading, takes half the voltage, cost half the price if white, is available in many different width of light beam. But while you gather info on white leds, please keep Demotech informed. NO RESULT WITHOUT COOPERATION!!! Good luck to you, Reinder van Tijen, Demotech PS, tell me a little on the why and how of your interest in white leds.

    by Herman van Essen - Wed Dec 03 (2003)
    LED/ powersourcing
    Wat we veel zien in horloges tegenwoordig is de kinetische energie opwekking. Wanneer het horloge gedragen wordt, laadt het zichzelf op met de energie die je lichaam produceert. Dit kan ook toegepast worden in de nightreader. Maak bijvoorbeeld twee contacten op de reader. Zodra deze contacten aangeraakt worden, zal de reader in werking gezet worden. Helaas is de hoeveelheid energie die een horloge nodig heeft veel kleiner als de energie die LED's nodig hebben. De reader zal dan eerst een poosje vastgehouden moeten worden om voldoende energie te kunnen leveren voor een LED. Dit is een redelijk goedkope oplossing, want batterijen vervangen is op den duur kostbaarder. Bovendien is de benodigde elektronische verwaarloosbaar klein, want het kan zelfs in horloges toegepast worden. De energie blijft ook voor een lange tijd opgeslagen. Nog even over de LED's. Witte LED's, mooie vinding. Jammergenoeg is de massaproductie pas net in gang gezet. We zullen even moeten wachten tot de prijs van de witte LED's daalt. Witte LED's zijn duurzamer dan de meeste LED's. Daar tegenover staat dat gele LED's contrasten voor het menselijk oog verbeteren en dat is gunstig voor de nightreader. Let maar eens op de straatverlichting, vele lantaarnpalen verspreiden geel licht over de straten. Een ander nadeel van de witte LED is het voltage. Veel witte LED's werken op 5 Volt terwijl de conventionele LED's op 2,8 Volt werken.

    by - Mon Dec 08 (2003)
    study light wiyh LED's
    Sir, I am doing electronics science. I am in my final year .I study in Fergusson College ,Pune. This year we have to do a project. So i am searching different site for selecting a project. Sir , I would be very thankful to you if you can give me some information about 'STUDY LIGHT WITH LEDs 'like its designing, its total cost , its software, precaution, its application etc. Thanking You, Sonia Savant Flat 101, Bldg TB4/6 Ajmera Colony pimpri 411018 pune

    by Reinder / Demotech - Mon Dec 08 (2003)
    Re: study light wiyh LED's
    Dear Sonia, Please send me a mail at with a description of what are the demands of your school regarding the project. What direction do you want to focus? Hardware construction, software schemes, social introduction? I truly welcome your participation and I feel I can compose a program of research that would fit you well and that will also be helpful for the project. Please study extensively the papers that you can read at the page of the NightReader. Most of your questions are partly answered there. At this moment the design has considerably been improved, but I have not yet have taken time to publish it. Do you have easy access to Internet? I hope to get your answers soon. With kind regards, Reinder
    > Sir,
    > I am doing electronics science. I am in my final year .I study in
    > Fergusson College ,Pune. This year we have to do a project.
    > So i am searching different site for selecting a project.
    > Sir , I would be very thankful to you if you can give me some information
    > about 'STUDY LIGHT WITH LEDs 'like its designing, its total cost , its
    > software, precaution, its application etc.
    > Thanking You,
    > Sonia Savant
    > Flat 101,
    > Bldg TB4/6
    > Ajmera Colony
    > pimpri 411018
    > pune

    by - Mon Dec 06 (2004)
    Power for Night Readers
    Add a small solar cell, use rechargeable batteries and you can make Night Readers that are solar powered. In fact, you can modify existing single LEDs and booklights as solar reading lights. You can even do it with single LEDs powered by button batteries that double as keychain lights in the USA and Europe. In 1988, I was in Gaungzhou, China. One night, I saw men in the doorways standing by small folding tables. They were refueling, refurbishing, and reselling disposable plastic cigarette lighters. I'd like to see a solar reading light as readily affordable and available as that so no child in the world can be reasonably deprived of the light to read. Here's some of my thinking on the topic of how to develop the worldwide solar marketplace: Solar Product Chain A series of mass market commodity products designed as steppingstones to full solar electric power: solar jewelry - rings, bracelets, necklaces, with solar charging brooch and rechargeable battery pack solar powered LED light - flashlight, keychain or backpack fob - flasher, reading light, and/or area lighting solar bicycle light for visibility, headlights, dynamo/solar combo This set of products starts with button batteries, CR2016 and CR2032 size and hearing aid batteries, for instance. The simplest system is a solar cell, with a blocking diode, a set or rechargeable batteries, and a single LED. Battery size can vary up to 12 volt DC. Bicycle dynamo/solar provides 24 hour generating capacity solar/dynamo flashlight/radio and battery charger The charger works on AA and other dry cell sizes, possibly up to 12 volts
    A radio and flashlight and an extra set of batteries are what is recommended in case of emergency and disaster everywhere around the world
    If the extra set of batteries is rechargeable, the solar/dynamo system produces electricity day or night by sunlight or muscle power as long as the batteries can carry a charge and the machine doesn't break. Hand scale for domestic and craft use, sewing machine, power tools. Solar backpack or car windshield battery charger (one square foot)
  • volt (and multiples) Recharging cell phones, computers, sound systems from a backpack equipped with solar panels. Every backpack a power station. LIkewise, every car can become a "hybrid vehicle" by installing an extra battery and a control system to charge from the alternator when the engine's original battery is finished charging. Battery switching, with 12 volt or dry cell or even button batteries is a key concept in the solar transition. one window solar electric system (four square feet)
  • volt, with AC inverter and possible grid connect The one window system is 4 square feet of solar collector and should be almost as easy to install as an air conditioner. Open the window, erect the frame, aim it at the sun, attach collector, plug it in, and close the window. There should be a consistent look and feel to all the products along the product chain and as much inter-operability as possible.

    by Reinder / Demotech - Mon Dec 06 (2004)
    Re: Power for Night Readers
    Demotech's NightReader tries to solve the problem of cost for batteries
    So we wanted to work on the use of nearly exhausted batteries as often available. The cost of the NightReader, if home made, would equal the cost of just the LED (10 Euro cent). Solar, of course is more convenient. I would like to know how much would be the cost of a 2V solar panel that can charge the smallest capacity as possible rechargeable battery, for just 5 hours functioning per day. This battery should be recharged in the 8 hours bright light as available each day. I look forward to consistent information on this. Kind regards, Reinder
    > Add a small solar cell, use rechargeable batteries and you can make Night
    > Readers that are solar powered. In fact, you can modify existing single
    > LEDs and booklights as solar reading lights. You can even do it with
    > single LEDs powered by button batteries that double as keychain lights in
    > the USA and Europe.
    > In 1988, I was in Gaungzhou, China. One night, I saw men in the doorways
    > standing by small folding tables. They were refueling, refurbishing, and
    > reselling disposable plastic cigarette lighters. I'd like to see a solar
    > reading light as readily affordable and available as that so no child in
    > the world can be reasonably deprived of the light to read.
    > Here's some of my thinking on the topic of how to develop the worldwide
    > solar marketplace:
    > Solar Product Chain
    > A series of mass market commodity products designed as steppingstones to
    > full solar electric power:
    > solar jewelry - rings, bracelets, necklaces, with solar charging brooch
    > and rechargeable battery pack
    > solar powered LED light - flashlight, keychain or backpack fob - flasher,
    > reading light, and/or area lighting
    > solar bicycle light for visibility, headlights, dynamo/solar combo
    > This set of products starts with button batteries, CR2016 and CR2032 size
    > and hearing aid batteries, for instance. The simplest system is a solar
    > cell, with a blocking diode, a set or rechargeable batteries, and a single
    > LED. Battery size can vary up to 12 volt DC. Bicycle dynamo/solar
    > provides 24 hour generating capacity
    > solar/dynamo flashlight/radio and battery charger
    > The charger works on AA and other dry cell sizes, possibly up to 12 volts.
    > A radio and flashlight and an extra set of batteries are what is
    > recommended in case of emergency and disaster everywhere around the world.
    > If the extra set of batteries is rechargeable, the solar/dynamo system
    > produces electricity day or night by sunlight or muscle power as long as
    > the batteries can carry a charge and the machine doesn't break. Hand
    > scale for domestic and craft use, sewing machine, power tools.
    > Solar backpack or car windshield battery charger (one square foot)
    > 12 volt (and multiples)
    > Recharging cell phones, computers, sound systems from a backpack equipped
    > with solar panels. Every backpack a power station. LIkewise, every car
    > can become a "hybrid vehicle" by installing an extra battery and a
    > control system to charge from the alternator when the engine's original
    > battery is finished charging. Battery switching, with 12 volt or dry cell
    > or even button batteries is a key concept in the solar transition.
    > one window solar electric system (four square feet)
    > 12 volt, with AC inverter and possible grid connect
    > The one window system is 4 square feet of solar collector and should be
    > almost as easy to install as an air conditioner. Open the window, erect
    > the frame, aim it at the sun, attach collector, plug it in, and close the
    > window.
    > There should be a consistent look and feel to all the products along the
    > product chain and as much inter-operability as possible.
  • by Stan. SWAN - Sat Dec 03 (2005)
    Modify cheap solar garden lights?
    I'm in Wellington (New Zealand) & work in education - electronics, energy etc, with lifelong hands on experiences with alternatives. THOUGHT: Solar powered garden lamps now flood hardware stores world wide, & here in NZ they're as cheap as US$2 each. Although their light output is pretty modest used outdoors ( & YES- they attract insects), they're a goldmine of quality parts (switch, 2v 30mA epoxy covered PV, NiCd battery & holder, white LED etc),that could be "reorganised" into a more suitable directed reading light. I'd say another US$2 should do it if a simple plastic or cardboard design was used? I'd be happy to consider this myself, but any thoughts ?

    by Reinder / Demotech - Sat Dec 03 (2005)
    Re: Modify cheap solar garden lights?
    You are so right! Indeed the industrial development of solar powered lighting creates opportunities. From taking such a device apart much can be learned
    Reorganizing seems a good approach. It could result in a very useful and reliable device for illumination inside a home. We should sort this out and provide a manual for indoor solar lighting The same hold true for smaller devices that are or will come on the market. The way marketing works, electronic parts become available at a cost level affordable at lowest income level. But only if bought integrated in such a product. A similar manual for a device as the NightReader could be developed in this way. A general available electronic product could so be upgraded for a task like the NightReader. I myself lack electronic knowledge. May I invite you to spend together some time on further development of these ideas? Please send me your mail address. Greetings, Reinder

    by Stan. SWAN - Tue Dec 06 (2005)
    Solar charged head lamps
    Whoops- some months later! Following an approach from some NZ missionaries in rural Niger, I've recently been exploring dirt cheap lighting options, based around dirt cheap solar garden lamps. Naturally these may suit African use, so herewith several sites to check
  • - US $2 "Sun made" idea for some 10 yo. kids here
  • Portable reading lamp in a specimen jar etc
  • African wearing an LED headlamp. I've even got some Industrial Design students on tap considering this as a project in a few months ( ~ mid August) as an example of democratic hi-tech. Fancy using them ? Following extensive trials here we're VERY focused on ultrabright white headlamps in fact, as they're-
  • Highly cost effective, although present lowest prices ~ US$5 each
  • Now very lightweight & easily worn
  • Automatically direct light where you're looking
  • LEDs are super efficient & rugged- near unlimited life
  • Hands free operation allows other tasks to be done
  • Reduction in shadows from ones hands
  • Straps can be embellished to suit user !
  • Lamp less likely to be put down & left behind
  • Flexibility- light can be used where needed
  • Elimination of fixed solar wiring costs & PV/scrap metal thefts
  • AA or AAA rechargeable batteries within the lamps can used for other items- radios etc
  • When bike riding elevated head mounting is safer
  • If solar powered, lamps can simply be hung on a sunny hook behind a window during the day ( typically we find an hour charging will give 3 hours night light use) Hope this is of interest - Stan
  • If you like you can add your own comment

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