Demotech, design for self reliance

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First ideas on a new design initiative should be well written down. They are like dreams, very easely forgotten!

Please visit also our wiki research pages. (D65)

Copyright & Open Source

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Please refer to our work and provide us with usefull feedback and comments on our design initiatives.

Liability clause

We cannot be held accountable for injuries incurred during construction or usage of our designs and construction manuals.

Initial Designs
<< Back to category Rethinking concepts

Idea on paper Reduction till nill by replacing a product by a service Applicable in modern as well as in poor economies Research Research Rural as well as urban.

First ideas on a new design initiatives have a place of their own in this list. They should be written down, as they come up suddenly and will be forgotten unless properly categorized, described as far as the idea goes.
The quality of such an idea can only be judged if made properly communicable. Attention should be paid to the aspect of Intellectual Property (IP). Does a short description support its Open Source development or can it be regarded as insufficient outspoken to make copyright claims on it. If so, should it be put here only visible with a pass word?
This question needs to be tackled by consulting legal experts.

First ideas on a new design initiatives get a name, a short description, are described as far as clear, a potential category is suggested, an illustration is added, some background info is noted, a few sources are mentioned. The list is kept as short as possible. When possible such ideas will merge with designs from the list 'All Designs'. When the idea after all is not so brilliant, it is removed. Descriptions of these ideas are written down in the sub-designs that belong to this page.
Based on a few of such design idea descriptions, the legal questions around copyright can be better answered.

Internal links

A solar cooker as part of a roof sheet over the kitchen area

In this article is described how only positioning of a solar cooker on a roof could work in practice. This generated the idea to make the solar cooking box a fixed part of the roof over the kitchen.

External Links

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