Demotech, design for self reliance

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The here listed Demotech's design initiatives aim at more comfort and better living in the poorest quarters of urban areas.

Please visit also our wiki research pages. (D75)

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Please refer to our work and provide us with usefull feedback and comments on our design initiatives.

Liability clause

We cannot be held accountable for injuries incurred during construction or usage of our designs and construction manuals.

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Prototype Twentyfold cost reduction Applicable within poverty Education Comfort Urban

Billions of people live in urban slums, every year many millions of people add up to that number. We should have an idea how their home looks like, how large it is, how it is constructed, who owns it, who has to pay rent. We want to know what kind of facilities are avalable and what facilities are mostly lacking. As few slum dwellings are similat, we only search for general data.

Demotech has designed a number of items that should be useful in a slum house. We have to study the reality to see if these designs really fit in. Here are the (links to the) Demotech design items we talk about: Bathroombox, Bench for sitting and working, BrickStove, Butterfly chair, ClothPump, GreenWalls, Kitchen unit for slum areas, Plug box, Stool with storage space, Table with storage space, WallRack, Waste Plastic Roof Tiles, and WeldingWood, .
Prototypes of more useful items have been tested in our lab, but not yet published on Demotech's website. Find here a short description of the following items: "Locking doors", "Glazed window frame"and "Stair to sit on".

Planned progress
Research on slumdwellings
We need data on the actual quality of slum dwellings. We need to find sources on relevant information. Apart from the UN-Habitat organizations, there must be many others that gather information about living in slums. In the Research Page D75 information on Demotech's own research selection can be found.

Internal links

Better living in a slum dwelling

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