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Feed media's and public attention for the goal of a demonstration with clearly visible text on banners attached to high light weight frames

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DemoUnits camping size
<< Back to category Means to get informed

In daily use Hundredfold reduction of cost Applicable in modern as well as in poor economies Education Environment Rural as well as urban.

A demonstration should not only inform bystanders on the pavement. The far more numerous people watching TV should clearly see what it is about. However most of the banners and signs that people carry along are not readable on a TV. Explaining to the viewers what the demonstration is about is amazingly left to the newsreader in the TV studio, who is not properly informed and certainly not engaged.
Demonstrations are the last available democratic means for minority opinions to get public attention. Therefore the organizers of a demonstration should asure that banners with large size text are visible from a distance for the TV-camera's as well as for everybody else.

Size of the text is at least 25 cm high, to display words it needs a banner width of 2 meters to be hold at least 4 meters high over the heads of the demonstrators. This can be done with a light weight frame of bamboo sticks and steel wires.
To assemble this frame is easy to learn for people demonstating. Its modular setup invites to create different shapes and sizes. Materials as needed are cheap and easily available.
Participants have to learn to make best use of the DemoUnits by carrying the structure with 3 or 4 people and make the structure rotate to show text attached to all sides of the structure to anyone in the public. Dancing and swaying movements of the banners further increase public attentition.
Placed on the ground and covered with sheets, the structures offer shelter to the demonstrators and facilitate temporary occupation of streets, squares and parks.

Additional information

Manuals in construction
At present (March 19, 2007) we work on a set of manuals needed for the making of all of the parts for the DemoUnits. There will also be a manual on how to make quickly banners, specially for use in demonstrations.
For the time being go to the two sources available already:

  • Manual for use of the DemoSticks for details regarding preparing, use and safety measures to make best use of the DemoCamp units
  • Checklist Constructing DemoUnits. When asked for a password, fill in fun

    DemoUnits, smaller size but same construction, see details at:
  • DemoUnits mobile size
  • DemoUnits exhibition size

    Work to do: connect with orgs that could use DemoUnits
    In this link a long list can be found of activist organizatioins that should use Demotech DemoUnits hardware for their actions.

  • Planned progress

    Internal links

    The Why and How of Tools for Demonstrations

    Get far more attention for the banners you demonstrate with!
Organizing a demonstration for a social purpose is an enormous task. But is has little effect of transferring the message to the public that watch on the pavement or after their TV's. Banners carried on sticks can not be read, chants can not understood. Demonstrators are dependent on media reporters in the message that comes across to the public.
A better tool is needed, cheap, easy to make and effective in communicating the message.

    Expo Structure

    Somewhere in the nineties Demotech made a Expo structure for an exposition in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The floor was used for a large map. To intensify the message of the exposition, the roof was covered. At the horizontal bamboo posts small 20 Watt fluorescent tubes were attached with mirroring strips to shield the light for the public. Electric wiring was out of sight guided through the bamboo poles.
    The setup looked very beautiful, its strict structure communicating that here was something special on show.
    Cross wires do not obstruct view Height ceiling 2.25 meter Outside can also be used Structure can expand in all directions

    Report on some experiences gainded at the Bulderbos campaign

    Experience gained at the Bulderbos campaign against a new to be build 5th runway of the Schiphol Airport. What details of the construction of the DemoCamp units did work, what did not?

    Report on development of the DemoCamp units

    Search for a proper way to give cross wire parts the accurate length they should have. Experimentation with a flat knot as an alternative for the smart/not-so-smart non-gliding loop construction. It should not be possible to draw an eye in the metal wire tight around a corner hook or the eye through which the interconnection rope is pulled.

    DemoSticks used at the Bulderbos Campaign of Milieudefensie

    The Dutch environmental organization "Milieu Defensie" invited Demotech to bring in its large size eye-catcher, the DemoCamp-units. The participants of this event could be instructed on the spot to produce more of the composing parts. These sticks and wires of accurate size were used for the construction of towers as well as for tents for camping.
    A report on the use of DemoCamp-units in practice.

    The Dutch environmental organization "Milieu Defensie" invited Demotech to bring in its large size eye-catcher, the DemoCamp-units. The participants of this event could be instructed on the spot to produce more of the composing parts. These sticks and wires of accurate size were used for the construction of towers as well as for tents for camping.
    First experience was gained of making pictures useful for a web page like this one with a camcorder.

    External Links
    Links related to DemoCamp-units and related materials

    • Links related to bamboo
      Bamboo is by far the most appropriate material to use when planning to make DemoCamp units or a DemoSticks display. So it is worthwhile to know what the properties of bamboo are, where it grows and what more you can do with it. This site offers an entry into the world of bamboo.
    • Info on Bamboo and Rattan by IMBAR
      The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) is an international organization created by 27 Member States of the United Nations, and has Headquarters in Beijing , China. Through a growing Network of participating organizations and individuals from all continents, INBAR develops and assists in the transfer of appropriate technologies and solutions to benefit the peoples of the world and their environment.
    • Send us an email form about any relevant link, that should be added here

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