DemoUnits camping size: DemoSticks used at the Bulderbos Campaign of Milieudefensie
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DemoSticks used at the Bulderbos Campaign of Milieudefensie
Report on use of DemoCamp-units in practice by Reinder van Tijen
The Dutch environmental organization "Milieu Defensie" held a manifestation to defend the "Bulderbos", a strip of land very close to a new runway against expropriation by Schiphol, the largest Dutch airport.
Bulderbos, with the size of about one acre, is situated almost on the fifth runway and therefore hindering its construction. Milieudefensie defends her Bulderbos to get wide public attention for the negative environmental consequences of the further growth of air traffic.
They invited Demotech to bring in its large size eye-catcher, the DemoCamp-units. The participants of this event could be instructed on the spot to produce more of the composing parts. These sticks and wires of accurate size were used for the construction of towers as well as for tents for camping.
In her "Bulderbos" manifestation, Milieudefensie makes good use of it to show high over the area her banners, that can still be read from a distance of a 500 meters.
In units used as tents, some people including myself have been camping. As a shelter it offers a spacey and dry place to stay.
With our feet in the mud of the Bulderbos, many cross-wires have been produced. People liked to assist, getting to know the ins and outs of the system at the same time.
Good to memorize that again it proved to be possible and also desirable to improve on the design. While working we got new ideas to improve our tooling, as to get more accurate parts as well as a method easier to understand and to learn.
Irene was one of the people offering help. She attached banners with plastic clamps that she had previously made. Using a video camcorder for the first time in her life, she covered the putting up of the DemoCamp-tower, now twelve meters high.
She covered as well the other manifestations, specially the "Tree".
... and Rinky Dink, the joyful, energy-friendly and educative sound system. The pictures shown here are derived from the video footage made at that time.
For Demotech it was new to acquire pictures from videotape. Such pictures prove to be of sufficient quality to be published on our website.
This last picture shows this Bulderbos-event was fun for me as well!
DemoUnits camping size: DemoSticks used at the Bulderbos Campaign of Milieudefensie
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