DemoUnits camping size: Expo Structure
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Expo Structure
Somewhere in the nineties Demotech made a Expo structure for an exposition in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The floor was used for a large map, to intensify the message of the exposition, the roof was covered. At the bamboo post small 20 Watt fluorescent tubes were attached with mirroring strips to shield the light for the public. Electric wiring was out of sight guided through the bamboo poles.
The setup looked very beautiful, its strict structure communicating that here was something special on show. But within the structure there was just the space available for the exhibition and nothing else that asked for attention.
Recently (Nov 2008) Terre des Hommes, Germany asked for ideas for an exposition unit. To clarify our offer these 3D-computer graphics have been made. Sadly no pictures are available anymore made of the realization in Arnhem.
DemoUnits camping size: Expo Structure
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