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DemoCamp units
How to expose your message in a demonstration with DemoCamp units
Preparation for a demonstration highlighting the controversies around the OVSE meeting in Maastricht. Carrying DemoCamp-towers through streets, Passing obstacles with these towers.
Assembly of the parts of DemoCamp units, attaching banners.
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Where to get DemoCamp units from?
Make use of people or organizations that support social action
Concider making your own DemoCamp units
Order your DemoCamp units from a reliable workshop
Assembling the parts of the DemoCamp units
Preparing the work area
Setup of the first unit
Do's and do'nts of further assembling
Final check and repairs
Attaching the banners to the DemoCamp units
Banners: materials, painting, design, effects of wind
Fasten banners with clips and adhesive tape on bamboo sticks
Carrying the DemoCamp towers, passing obstacles
Managing chaos, towers falling over, confiscation
Converting the DemoCamp towers into a camping facility
Carrying the towers through the streets
Getting used to walking with the DemoCamp towers
Planning the route, knowing obstacles, preparing how to pass them
Preparing for agression and damage
Dynamic demonstrating: Interact with the public, invite and display new banners