<< Bookkeeping System (D25) | DesignInitiativesInWiki | Sustainable Housing and Living (D35) >>
For the acurate use of this structure: see Description research steps
- Targets
Targets as set for this item
- Urgent Questions
Looking for external expertise to solve these questions
- Literature Research
Research on all available sources on behalf of this item
- Search History
Relevant URL's as found with key words and value indication
- Hits
Here is a list of all sources we found for this topic, with a short description and some comments
- Notes
Notes on relevant information retrieved from the search on internet
- Pilot Projects
Info on projects with a similar target as this item
- Interviews
Reports on interviews about this topic
- Conceptual Approach
Description of the general conceptual approach
- Final Conclusions
Summary of findings in the research on this item
- Who Participated?
People and organizations that have been involved in this research