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Grow your own house from Bamboo

Van: "Asa Nathannael Hunt" Datum: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 03:49:07 Europe/Amsterdam
Onderwerp: Antw.: [o2mailinglist] Plant fibre composite
Antwoord aan: o2mailinglist@yahoogroups.com

I do not have any info, but there is an awesome book about the structural uses of Bamboo called Grow Your Own House by Simon Velez a building he designed is found at: http://www.zeri.org/pavilion/pavilion.htm
Just a cool quote below:

"Construction permit: Through 22 weeks of testing, and with the support of important German scientists and institutes, ZERI demonstrated that the bamboo pavilion complies with Germany's most stringent construction regulations. Our pavilion is the only one at the EXPO built twice: once in Colombia for testing...and once in Hannover for you to enjoy!"

Regards, Asa

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Page last modified on March 31, 2010, at 08:06 PM