Design.D53Experiments History

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November 04, 2004, at 11:57 AM by Jos -
Added lines 1-2:
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November 03, 2004, at 04:27 PM by Jos -
Added lines 6-7:
October 27, 2004, at 11:28 AM by Jos -
Changed line 1 from:

Design concepts or elements of such concepts should be experimented with as soon as possible. Only then will it these concepts become convincing. Experiments need not be full scale or done in the actual situation of the potential future user. Any check, small or extensive on how the idea could work out in practice should be described here on a page of its own. A list of these experiments, linked to their pages can be added below.


Design concepts or elements of such concepts should be experimented with as soon as possible. Only then will it these concepts become convincing. Experiments need not be full scale or done in the actual situation of the potential future user. Any check, small or extensive on how the idea could work out in practice should be described here on a page of its own. A list of these experiments, linked to their pages can be added below.

October 27, 2004, at 11:27 AM by Jos -
Changed line 5 from:
October 26, 2004, at 09:30 AM by Jos -
Changed lines 1-5 from:

Design concepts or elements of such concepts should be experimented with as soon as possible. Only then will it these concepts become convincing. Experiments need not be full scale or done in the actual situation of the potential future user. Any check, small or extensive on how the idea could work out in practice should be described here on a page of its own. A list of these experiments, linked to their pages can be added below.


Design concepts or elements of such concepts should be experimented with as soon as possible. Only then will it these concepts become convincing. Experiments need not be full scale or done in the actual situation of the potential future user. Any check, small or extensive on how the idea could work out in practice should be described here on a page of its own. A list of these experiments, linked to their pages can be added below.

  1. D53Experiment1 Experiment 1 Algal pond
  2. D53Experiment2 Experiment 2 Burning feces
  3. D53Experiment3 Experiment 3 Manure collector
October 19, 2004, at 06:30 PM by Reinder -
Changed line 1 from:

Describe D53Experiments here.


Design concepts or elements of such concepts should be experimented with as soon as possible. Only then will it these concepts become convincing. Experiments need not be full scale or done in the actual situation of the potential future user. Any check, small or extensive on how the idea could work out in practice should be described here on a page of its own. A list of these experiments, linked to their pages can be added below.

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Page last modified on May 16, 2006, at 07:56 PM