Design.D7HighRevGenerator History

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June 27, 2005, at 08:22 AM by Reinder -
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A typical direct drive ratio of the WindDrive=] could be: diameter WindRotor 3 meters, diameter driven wheel on the axle of the generator 0,03 meter, i.e. a drive ratio of 100 to 1. When the WindRotor rotates at 40 revolutions a minute, the generator runs at 4000 revs.


A typical direct drive ratio of the D7WindDrive WindDrive could be: diameter D7WindRotor WindRoter 3 meters, diameter driven wheel on the axle of the generator 0,03 meter, i.e. a drive ratio of 100 to 1. When the WindRotor rotates at 40 revolutions a minute, the generator runs at 4000 revs.

June 27, 2005, at 08:05 AM by Reinder -
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Such a generator is described in a contribution of


Such a generator is described in a contribution of

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June 27, 2005, at 08:03 AM by Reinder -
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Describe D7HighRevGenerator here.


A typical direct drive ratio of the WindDrive=] could be: diameter WindRotor 3 meters, diameter driven wheel on the axle of the generator 0,03 meter, i.e. a drive ratio of 100 to 1. When the WindRotor rotates at 40 revolutions a minute, the generator runs at 4000 revs. Such a generator is described in a contribution of

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Page last modified on May 16, 2006, at 07:56 PM