Structure of Demotech Personel and Administration

Click on any group to view a description and current vacancies. Contact to get involved at any time! We will cooperate with you to find the best way for you to work in Demotech!


GroupsDemotech Core Group
 Student Workforce for Development and Sustainability
 Student Research Team
 Civilian Workforce
 External Research
FunctionsCore GroupAdministers central demotech affairs. Safeguards demotech ideas and ideals. Advises on direction of demotech and coordinates central demotech activities and facilities. contirbute to demotech work.
 Student WorkforceAdministers student activities in Demotech. Represents Demotech at the Univeristy. Ogranizes research, publication, promotion and support activities. Manages demotech bookkeeping, organization and membership. Gathers student research team members and aranges external research. Is supervised by the Core Group.
 Student Research TeamAdvance designs. Made up of interns, students are contracted for a set period. Work together, under supervision of the Core Group.
 Civilian WorkforceAdvances designs, produce products for sale, conduct support activities. Voluntarily contracted by Demotech.
 External ResearchOutside agencies engaged on a project basis to advance designs. Coordinated and gathered by Support Team
 AdvisorsProvide expertise, networking and support autonomously to demotech. Are recognized formally in publications but are not responsible to or for demotech

Description of Orgainzational Structure and Planning

Demotech as an organization requires new members in order to fulfill its goals. As we want to attracting new hands to work towards Demotech goals, a new organizational structure has been set up.

The Demotech structure is not a hierarchy nor does it inted to become one. The Demotech structure is organizational. Control and authority are attributed to a history of commitment and expertise, and not through position. Demotech does require a clear division of tasks, particularly between information and communication services and actual research. A person's contribution should be facilitated by structure, not inhibited.

Groups allow for clarity in the role a person intends to play in demotech. The opportunity to create an identity as a member of one team or annother is an asset to facilitating work and stimulating entusiasm.

Felxibility is essential to a healthy orgainzational structure. People should not be limited to a single position, nor should a person in one capacity feel aleineted from work in annother capacity. For this reason, Demotech as an institution takes an active role in uniting people working on demotech socially so that the entire organization can function as a single unit. A group member is a member of demotech who accepts the responsibilities of a specific role in supporting the whole organization.


Current Vacant positions to fill at Demotech:

  • Core Group
    • Qualified members
  • Student Support Team
    • President
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • 3Bestuurders
    • Support Students
  • Student Research Team
    • 4 Interns (more possible with a complete student support team)
  • External Research
    • None until the Support Team is complete
  • Civilian Workforce
    • manual skilled work in the demotech lab, building lab capacity and demonstration facilities
    • Organizing the production and sale of Demo-Camp Units
    • building democamp units for sale
    • organizing workshops for every level of audience, for university as well as for research institutions
    • technical hardware support for the demotech office
    • Fundraising and preparation for project trips abroad
    • creating and editing video
    • Many Others
  • Advisors
    • Professionals in various fields (Development, Sustainability, Social Sciences, Law, Economics, Women's studies, Design, etc.)

Courses: Aranged to educate individuals on demotech ideas and qualify them as instructors for demotech work abroad.

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Page last modified on September 28, 2006, at 01:35 PM