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November 21, 2006, at 12:44 PM by Reinder -
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<< More joy per person | D11HitsThisTopic | Mobility Support units >>

November 20, 2006, at 11:29 PM by Reinder - small corrections
November 20, 2006, at 11:29 PM by Reinder - small corrections
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The foundation Demotech supports in this issue in general the policy paper of mister G. Pronk, minister of development cooperation: "A world of difference".


The foundation Demotech supports in this issue in general the policy paper of mister G. Pronk, minister of development cooperation: "A world of difference".

Changed line 27 from:

This thesis implies the probability of the existence of practical knowledge and methods, that are now not researched on from the buyers within present cultural point of view, in which they don't fit. The area where this practical knowledge and method are most probably to be found on the anti-pole from what is generally strived after: progress and welfare. This anti-pole also is the area of poverty and decline.\\


This thesis implies the probability of the existence of practical knowledge and methods, that are now not researched on from the buyers within present cultural point of view, in which they don't fit. The area where this practical knowledge and method are most probably to be found on the antipole from what is generally strived after: progress and welfare. This antipole also is the area of poverty and decline.\\

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The area o practical knowledge and methods seems to be static, but has to be regarded as exceedingly dynamic. On any moment from now until the far future this area of knowledge and methods can be mixed with any other area of knowledge and methods and this will lead to totally new and unexpected, now unthinkable, results.


The application of practical knowledge and methods seems to be static, but has the potential to become exceedingly dynamic. On any moment from now until the far future this area of knowledge and methods can be mixed with any other area of knowledge and methods and this will lead to totally new and unexpected, now unthinkable, results.

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November 20, 2006, at 11:18 PM by Reinder - Spelling
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What the MOSU could offer to its user
#The user of the MOSU is offered an improved horizontal mobility. Climbing and descending running over soft and uneven surfaces and taking small obstacles, such as thresholds, is fasilitated by a indirect driving mechanism in the front wheels.\\

  1. The user of the MOSU is offered also vertical mobility. There is a mechanical support from standing through sitting and sitting on the floor. In effect a vertical mobility from floor level to eighty centimeters height of the centre of gravity of the user of the MOSU.\\
  2. The user of the MOSU should not be restricted in the use of a normal toilet, either with a toilet slap or a toilet seat.\\

What the MOSU could offer to its user

  1. The user of the MOSU is offered an improved horizontal mobility. Climbing and descending running over soft and uneven surfaces and taking small obstacles, such as thresholds, is fasilitated by a indirect driving mechanism in the front wheels.
  2. The user of the MOSU is offered also vertical mobility. There is a mechanical support from standing through sitting and sitting on the floor. In effect a vertical mobility from floor level to eighty centimeters height of the centre of gravity of the user of the MOSU.
  3. The user of the MOSU should not be restricted in the use of a normal toilet, either with a toilet slap or a toilet seat.
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  1. The user of the MOSU is provided with provisions to insure blood circulation through all parts of the body.\\
  2. The user of the MOSU can eventually propel itself a speed higher than that of walking speed.\\
  1. The user of the MOSU is provided with provisions to insure blood circulation through all parts of the body.
  2. The user of the MOSU can eventually propel itself a speed higher than that of walking speed.
November 20, 2006, at 09:14 PM by Reinder - typos corrrected
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November 20, 2006, at 09:02 PM by Reinder - Correction of spelling
Changed lines 7-8 from:

The foundation Demotech supports in this issue in general the policypaper of mister G. Pronk, miniter of development cooperation: "A world of difference".


The foundation Demotech supports in this issue in general the policy paper of mister G. Pronk, minister of development cooperation: "A world of difference".

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A political/economical alternative for the mechanisme of the free market has proved to be unworkable. Totaliaran concepts, religiously or nationalisticly based, aim at the same economic tagrget as the mechanisme of the free market.


A political/economical alternative for the mechanism of the free market has proved to be unworkable. Totalitarian concepts, religiously or nationalistically based, aim at the same economic target as the mechanism of the free market.

Changed lines 21-22 from:

Prefering global survival, it is urgent to add to this analyses of the present situation, a method of research to find a alternative.


Preferring global survival, it is urgent to add to this analyses of the present situation, a method of research to find a alternative.

Changed lines 26-30 from:

While our cultural set-up dictates that is thinkable and what is to be expected, this set-up very much alos dictates what is NOT thinkable and NOT to be expected. This thesis implies the probability of the existance of practical knowlede and methods, that are now not researched on from the buyers within present cultural point of view, in which they don't fit. The area where this practical knowledge and method are most probably to be found on the antipole from what is generally strived after: progress and wellfare. This antipole also is the area of poverty and decline.
As the area of poverty and decline embraces more than half of humanity, it is crusial to take up this research.
The area o practical knowledge and methods seems to be static, but has to be regarded as exceedingly dynamic. On any moment from now until the far future this area of knowledge and methods can be mixed with any other area of knowledge nd methouds and this will lead to totally new and unexpected, now unthinkable, results.


While our cultural set-up dictates that is thinkable and what is to be expected, this set-up very much also dictates what is NOT thinkable and NOT to be expected. This thesis implies the probability of the existence of practical knowledge and methods, that are now not researched on from the buyers within present cultural point of view, in which they don't fit. The area where this practical knowledge and method are most probably to be found on the anti-pole from what is generally strived after: progress and welfare. This anti-pole also is the area of poverty and decline.
As the area of poverty and decline embraces more than half of humanity, it is crucial to take up this research.
The area o practical knowledge and methods seems to be static, but has to be regarded as exceedingly dynamic. On any moment from now until the far future this area of knowledge and methods can be mixed with any other area of knowledge and methods and this will lead to totally new and unexpected, now unthinkable, results.

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  1. (voorlichting) on this issue in the Nethelands,
  1. (voorlichting) on this issue in the Netherlands,
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  • Aids within this concept should be made available within the informal economy of poor regios. Local production for local prices makes these aids more widely available.
  • Aids within this concept should be made available within the informal economy of poor regions. Local production for local prices makes these aids more widely available.
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  1. The user of the MOSU is offered an improved horizontal mobility. Climbing and descending running over soft and uneven surfaces and taking small obstacles, such as thresholds, is fasciliated by a indirect driving mechanism in the frontwheels.\\
  2. The user of the MOSU is offered also vertical mobility. There is a mechanical support from standing through sitting and sitting on the floor. In effect a vertical mobility from floorlevel to eighty centimetres height of the centre of gravity of the user of the MOSU.\\
  3. The user of the MOSU should not be restricted in the use of a normal toilet, either with a toiletslap or a toiletpot.\\
  4. The user of the MOSU can independantly change the position of the upper and lower body.
  5. The user of the MOSU is provided with provisions to insure bloodcirculation through all parts of the body.\\
  6. The user of the MOSU can eventually propell itself a speed higher than that of walking speed.\\
  1. The user of the MOSU is offered an improved horizontal mobility. Climbing and descending running over soft and uneven surfaces and taking small obstacles, such as thresholds, is fasilitated by a indirect driving mechanism in the front wheels.\\
  2. The user of the MOSU is offered also vertical mobility. There is a mechanical support from standing through sitting and sitting on the floor. In effect a vertical mobility from floor level to eighty centimeters height of the centre of gravity of the user of the MOSU.\\
  3. The user of the MOSU should not be restricted in the use of a normal toilet, either with a toilet slap or a toilet seat.\\
  4. The user of the MOSU can independently change the position of the upper and lower body.
  5. The user of the MOSU is provided with provisions to insure blood circulation through all parts of the body.\\
  6. The user of the MOSU can eventually propel itself a speed higher than that of walking speed.\\

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Page last modified on November 21, 2006, at 12:44 PM